Our email list of members and others interested in ESLA has more than doubled during the past few years, but there’s still hundreds among our waterfront community who don’t get our updates because we don’t have your emails. We promise to never share that list with a marketer or anyone else. It’s important to have your emails to keep you informed about changes and urgent news we want to share.
Recent examples:
1. We sent an email blast in 2023 when ESLA joined the Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay and the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians in a lawsuit filed under provisions of the federal Clean Water Act. We thought that was important for members to know about quickly.
2. We also sent an email blast letting members know that one of our Shore Thing speakers had to reschedule her appearance about a week before it was scheduled. We didn’t want anyone showing up and wondering what happened.
3. We alerted members in August 2023 – a few days before what we knew would be a popular Shore Thing – that a few days earlier many Covid cases had been reported in Elk Rapids. Our email blast told readers we would videotape the speaker and post on ESLA’s YouTube Channel. About half who had signed up decided to watch the video instead.
Send an email to ElkSkegemogLakes@gmail.com and we’ll add you to our eblasts list.