Recreation & Safety Committee

Recreation & Safety Committee

The Recreation and Safety Committee has primary responsibility for maintenance – including contracting for seasonal placement and removal – of navigational buoys marking the entrance to the Torch River where there are numerous submerged stumps and logs that are an impediment and danger to safe boating. Strong windstorms can occasionally break loose the buoys and send them adrift. The chairman takes prime responsibility for looking for lost buoys and occasionally reaching out to contractors on bids for replacement, including anchorage systems. The chairman also works with marine safety officers in Antrim, Grand Traverse, and Kalkaska counties and takes regular water level readings at the Elk Rapids dam. The committee may consider fisheries issues, too, and communicate with key biologists and conservation officers.

Current Members:

  • Pat Pierce, Chair
  • Bob Campbell, President
  • Ken Krentz, Fisheries
  • Dale Claudepierre

Summer 2020