Paddle Antrim needs Motorized Safety Boat Captains and First Mates on Elk Lake for the 6th Annual Paddle Antrim Festival on Saturday, Sept. 18. Volunteers must attend a one-hour orientation on Tuesday. Sept. 14 in Central Lake. On Sept. 18, crews must be in their designated location (Paddle Antrim will assign) by 12:15 pm and stay until the last paddler passes — usually 3-4 hours.
Safety boat crew requirements:
- Watch for signs of distress and assist if able. Call for assistance or emergency responders if necessary. Check in with paddlers as they go by, sharing updates on upcoming water conditions, potential hazards or other relevant information.
- Meet State of Michigan and U.S. Coast Guard safety requirements for vessels of their length (PFDs, fire extinguishers, horns, etc.).
- Crews of at least two people — one driver, one spotter.
- Must have a cell phone and provide number to safety coordinator.
- Be prepared to tow or bring aboard participating kayaks.
- Have plan to help aboard your boat a fatigued or hypothermic paddler. Could be swim platform, climbing ladder or rope.
- Have binoculars and wood or space blanket.
- Remain at assigned locations until dismissed by safety sweep boat.
Questions? Email or call Ellie Kirkpatrick at or 231-498-2080