ESLA’s Legends and Endowment programs offer other alternatives for supporters. Both help create long-term stability for our water protection mission. Legends may pledge to the future of our waters with an immediate or estate-designated gift of $25,000 or more. Immediate donations – as with any ESLA support — may be drawn from a charitable trust or your checkbook. Or choose to name ESLA in your estate plan. Donors may choose to have their gifts added to the Strategic Environmental Fund described above or to the Elk-Skegemog Lakes Association Endowment managed by the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation. Endowment gifts are held in perpetuity and generate yearly income based on a three-year account balance average. To contribute, go to Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation or contact ESLA at for help. Gifts for Legends and Champions are not ESLA annual membership dues. Questions? Contact former ESLA president Dean Ginther at 231-676-2928. You may also contact the Community Foundation at 231-935-4066 with questions about the Endowment program. Contributions to these funds may contain tax advantages for the donor. Supporters may also honor an individual living or deceased with their contribution.