ESLA’s Plans


Count on ESLA to work hard to protect our waters and explore new ideas and partnerships with upstream lake associations in our watershed, as well as other organizations.

  • We’ll again host five “Shore Things,” plus our annual meeting in June with great speakers and insights.
  • We’ll again host a shoreline greenbelt workshop with contractors and other green thumbs to answer questions and concerns about shoreline improvement.
  • For a second year, we’ll drag specialized, mesh nets to collect plankton for analysis to gain insight into changing levels and distribution of critical, bottom-of-the-food-chain phytoplankton in our waters. This is critical for fish and all critters.
  • As we have for more than 20 years, our volunteer team will make observations using a Secchi disk to record changes in water clarity. They’ll also gather other important lake data for comparisons.
  • We’ll remove invasive species like Eurasian watermilfoil and purple loosestrife. And we’ll aggressively advocate and educate to keep potential disruptive invasives out. Volunteer for one of our “boat wash” events at
  • Members can get a free personalized greenbelt analysis for their shorelines. Request yours at
  • We’re exploring alternatives to advance knowledge of our deepest waters. In 2022, we confirmed the presence of invasive, ecosystem-disrupting quagga mussels in Elk Lake with help from Northwestern Michigan College.
  • With an updated website, printed newsletters, regularly emailed ESLA-Blasts, a refreshed ESLA Facebook page, and videos on ESLA’s YouTube channel, we’re keeping you informed. If you’re not getting ESLA-Blasts or printed newsletters, email us HERE.
  • We’re moving ahead with partners on a federal Clean Water Act lawsuit to resolve a long-standing, waste-discharge issue affecting our waters.
  • After a successful 2023 launch, ESLA will again offer “Lake Learning Tours” with our lake biologist. ESLA supporting members can enjoy a two-hour, on-the-water science laboratory.
  • On this website and elsewhere, we’ll provide best practice strategies for every riparian to protect and preserve our waters, including proper septic system maintenance, natural shoreline improvement or restoration ideas, plus more.
  • We work each year to maintain the 20-plus buoys that provide safe navigation in the stumpy fields between Lake Skegemog and the Torch River.